
An innovative and unique extract with exceptional anti aging, anti inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.

It is a maqui berry powder that is completely soluble in water, and standardized to guarantee the presence of healthy flavonoids, anthocyanins, and delphinidins.

DELPHINOL® is the only standardized maqui berry high quality powder that is manufactured in Germany. The cutting-edge technology used in manufacturing ensures a quantity of 25% of delphinidins and 35% of total anthocyanins. Patent in process (U2195-00004).

DELPHINOL® is a world class and unique standardized extract, that is produced in Anklam, a company located in Germany.

Anklam, ensure us that our production is GMP compliant (Good Manufacture Procedures), it also ensure us qualitayndsafetyo of ur product.

The method used for DELPHINOL® production is protected under a patent from our company (US 14/06076,6)

GMP AND HACCP - Certificated

We have a Kosher certification by Orthodox Union, NY and a Halal certificate by Halal Control and an EU Organic certification.

Anklam Extrakt has been granted GMP an HACCP certification by the German inspection body.

In our quality control departament we work according to highest standards. The expertise of our quality control departament we work according to highest standards. The expertise of our staff and state-of-the-art technical equipment are essencial to our success.

DELPHINOL® extract standardized to anthocyanins content

Clinical data on Maqui

  • Reduction of oxidative stress in smokers
    -200 mg / day
    -Reduction of isoprostanes
    -Reduction of oxidized LDL
  • Reduction of blood sugar with single acute dose according to dose finding study of 60mg, 120mg, 180mg
  • Anti inflammatory
  • Anti aging
  • Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) reduction
  • Increase HDL parameters
  • Decrease LDL parameters
  • Decrease total
  • cholesterol

DELPHINOL® activates antioxidant defense better than resveratrol

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